    101 Dalmatians Card Battles Highscores
Beschreibung: Construct the longest line of rescued puppies. This is accomplished by bidding for either a Puppy card or a Cruella De Vil card as it is turned up from a draw pile. With a hand of numbered bidding cards the players bid simultaneously as each card is turned.
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hat im Spiel 101 Dalmatians Card Battles das beste Ergebnis
mit 7420 Punkten erzielt
# Username Punkte Kommentar Zeit Spielzeit
1 klklk22 7420 aw 05.02.18 um 15:04 03:08
2 Isabella 7410 25.07.13 um 20:09 08:54
3 *Mathilda* 7230 02.10.13 um 22:04 05:56
4 ***Nahla*** 7230 a 10.10.11 um 21:35 09:06
5 miss.shiva 7120 a 15.07.11 um 11:07 02:58
6 **Lou** 6870 03.04.18 um 1:31 03:03
7 schnupfi 6850 a 06.04.14 um 20:29 03:24
8 LouSoulola 6750 a 25.03.11 um 19:32 03:09
9 **Soraya** 6700 15.07.16 um 23:31 04:21
10 **Lilli** 6250 05.05.15 um 16:06 06:18

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